Looking to enter the arena, if it makes sense.

I am not looking to get rich and if this is the wrong place to ask, I apologize.

I have 0 experience in the stock market other than what I see in media. Is it possible to turn $1,000 into $15,000 in about a year? If so, where would be a good place to start learning? What I am trying to do is similar to the people that start with a paperclip and keep trading up. Ending with something of much higher value. I was not sure if it was possible to reach that kind of goal with a small number as I can likely only buy a dozen stocks at a time, sell, then start again.

I am having a hard time understanding if what I am even trying to do is realistic and when I search google or YT I am left feeling less confident. I have been saving trying to afford a medical procedure. So it wouldn't be 'play' money but there is absolutely no way I can get to my target amount without doing something different and taking some risks. I am trying to gamble -smartly.

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