Is Airbus a reasonable buy considering all the troubles Boeing is facing?

Recent issues faced by Boeing, including production delays and safety concerns, have shifted the market dynamics.

I'm wondering how to bet on this change. One option would be to sell short on boeing. But I don't know if I'm so confident to go that far. Would a safer bet to instead bet on their biggest rival, Airbus? Their PSI is at 80 so I'm worried i'm just following a news trend. Is the current investor sentiment towards Airbus driven by fundamental strengths, or is it merely a reactionary trend fueled by Boeing's woes? Jumping on this bandwagon without a thorough analysis might expose investors to the risk of following a hype, only to find themselves caught in a correction if the market reassesses Airbus's position.

What are your thoughts on Airbus's potential as a reasonable buy right now?

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