INTC vs TSLA – Trying to understand market sentiment.

Forgive my naive question but I'm really trying to wrap my head around these two stocks (stockholder in both).

INTC – Semiconductor manufacturing powerhouse. Still has a majority in data center and pc CPU space. I do agree that they fell behind TSMC and Samsung in terms of process leadership and don't have a serious product offering in the GPU space that can take on Nvidia H100 (Gaudi 3 seems like a good competitor). And Pat Gelsinger is trying hard to bring it back on track. They have 18A process node on track to hit HVM production in 2025(?), US government is funding their fab expansion plans, Foundry is slowly winning customer, and for the next few years, compute is the new oil. Everything seems to be inline for INTC to go up like AMD and NVDA. But no, it always drops.

TSLA – Eccentric owner who is more interested in peddling conspiracy theories on X that he bought on a whim. FSD was a long lost pipe dream, which never seems to be working fine , and current version has its own kinks. EV is becoming an extremely competitive market everyday with new entrants and an ongoing price war. Cybertruck was late by 2-3(?) years and has. IDK if Roadster will ever happen in this decade, Tesla Semi is another thing which seemed nice on paper but idk if it's ever really gonna happen. News reports claimed that Musk cancelled Model2. But again claims TSLA is gonna make a cheaper model ( which would probably cannibalize Model 3 and Model Y sales; and lets be honest – no one knows if and when that's actually coming on the roads).

Can anyone explain why is the market so bullish about TSLA even after reporting lower EPS, 9% drop in revenue, and is ready to eat his words about the cheaper model like its God's truth itself, while INTC drops like a rock on the first opportunity, even though Semiconductors are the bedrock of AI and EV growth.

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