Ilya Sutskever is leaving OpenAI. He’s their Michael Jordan. Microsoft should be down 5 percent on this news

Ilya Sutskever was the chief scientist at OpenAI. This guy was the brains of the operation. Anybody at OpenAI will tell you that he's basically the Lebron James or Michael Jordan of the AI development world. There probably isn't a single human on the planet more valuable in this field.

Ilya is probably going to create his own startup, and make his own AI model, and I wouldn't bet against the guy. His confidence is legendary.

It's amazing to me that Microsoft isn't down 5 percent off this news. OpenAI without Ilya Sutskever is like the Tampa Bay Bucs without Tom Brady.

Sure, you can squint your eyes and imagine Baker Mayfield as a poor man's Tom Brady, and I'm sure the new guy at OpenAI will be similar, but it's not the same company at all with Ilya gone. He was basically the heart and soul

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