Found old stock certificate from Paragon Capital Corporation – 1991

I found this stock certificate in my father's papers – a stock certificate from Paragon Capital Corporation (incorporated in Utah) issued in 1991. A letter from them indicates it's a transfer of his interest in Jay Development Company Paullus A Lease, an Oil and Gas Lease. I'm struggling to find anything useful, even though the certificate has a CUSIP, and I'm Googling like crazy. Info is vague, contradictory, or requires payment, which we don't have. My parents' financial situation is so dire, we can't make their rent this month and they may have to leave their Assisted Living. While I suspect this certificate isn't worth anything, I need to make sure.

Does anyone have any idea about any of this? Any way to look up the CUSIP number that's free? Find out a value on this?

Many thanks.

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