Celsius- why expanding internationally with Suntory instead of Pepsi

Hi all, this energy drink company, Celsius, recently announced their international expansion into UK, France, Australia, Ireland with Suntory, instead of Pepsi.

Pepsi took a stake in them in 2022, and took over their distribution in US from other distributors and the revenue numbers were fantastic. So far only in US and Canada, Pepsi is doing the distribution for Celsius.

I am thinking why Celsius did not partner with Pepsi in UK, France, Australia, Ireland?

The only reason I can think of is that Pepsi also have their own energy drink product, but not sure how that plays a part.

For this company, I like that the CEO is always wearing Celsius shirt, I always see him wearing that during his interviews. I thought only someone very proud of their products will wear the shirt everyday.

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