Bank Failure Dominoes Chart

Some of y'all wanna argue with me in the comments on another post about there not being contagion or systemic issues and that these bank failures are unrelated. This chart says you're wrong.

If you're unfamiliar with this, this chart was shared when SVB went down and funny enough, just about every bank failure since then I would come back to this chart and low and behold the bank was on this chart. PacWest wasn't on it at the time the chart came out, but was on the chart as marked prior to failure. These banks know that they're fucked and are doing nothing about it because they are hoping to get cash infusions or a bailout and it will come from taxpayers.

Bonus bread crumb: KPMG happened to be the auditor for all of them.

We want to just keep acting like nothing's wrong around these parts though

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