Need help restructuring the portfolio

Here's the problem – I have more money than I should have for my level of maturity (half a joke), and it's mostly spread into growth stocks because I have a decent salary and a good future at work. The money is from an inheritance, and I want quite a bit of risk as long as the upside is there too.

The question is this: I'd like to restructure to a smarter way, but the SPY is currently at all time highs. Yes I know over 30 years it always goes up, long term, blah blah blah. But let's say I want to buy a house in a year from now, just in time for the big correction. I'm therefore skeptical about restructuring right now with these all time highs, and would like to try and time it a bit better, I know people advise against this but I feel that it's right anyway.

I'd like to hear your take: No point in trying to time it anyway so restructure now? Hold a good amount of cash until a correction? Keep it in growth stocks with my goals in mind? Other things that I haven't thought about?

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