If I was almost certain that a stock would increase in value over the next year, what would be the best way to leverage my limited funds?

No, it’s not Bitcoin or a cryptocurrency. It’s not an Elon Musk stock. It’s a real stock with a real potential for growth.

This is a stock that will (I believe) greatly increase in value over the next couple of years barring a black swan event, and no I won’t tell you what it is or how I know it will go up. Also, this question is purely hypothetical.

Edit: maybe I’ll regret telling you guys, but here’s my plan: I’m considering buying Argentine banking stocks because I believe Javier Milei’s economic policies will greatly decrease the inflation of the Argentine peso.

Edit No. 2: what I’m really asking is for advice and resources in learning about buying calls and selling puts. I’ve read information online but I don’t feel comfortable trading options until I fully understand how they work and all the ways I could potentially loose and gain money.

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