NVent NVT best earnings stock play

nVent $NVT : provides electrical connection and protection solutions. Mostly electrical components, but also has market share in diversified areas ex) solutions for liquid cooling. Mid-to high-single digit growth achievable for the foreseeable future in the electrical products and systems provider sub-sectors. nVent remains attractively positioned across a number of secular drivers.

RBC Capital Q1 earning preview: “ NVT best positioned industrial stock due to organic growth upside and gradual EFS restocking. “ We see solid earings, focus pace Industrial demand, pricing and order normalization.

Consistently beat earning and raise guidance. Reinstating dividend. Good entry point with room for growth

RBC Capital names nVent $NVT as their best positioned industrial stock pick heading into Q1 earnings. Mid-to high-single digit growth achievable for the foreseeable future in the electrical products and systems provider sub-sectors. Worth looking into

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