Semiconductors – cyclical – how to track/rotate? Your take on ASML


sorry for the poor title – couldn't come up with something better. Semiconductors are known for being cyclical, so I'm curious to hear your opinion on where we are right now in this cycle.

I'm proudly holding ASML (I think it is a great stock to hold forever) which has done pretty well over the past year and it is up by a large %. However, based on latest earnings and a re-evaluation of its intrinsic value based on a DCF calculation, I see the stock currently being largely overvalued. With other words, the current numbers cannot justify the stock price. Same with NVDA.

So I'm wondering if you've trimmed your semiconductor stocks with profit with the intention to buy back some shares when the price drops?

Disclaimer: No one can predict the future, so the price never drop. But I think we can agree that the semiconductor stocks are over-extended right now 🙂

I look forward to a fruitful discussion.

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