These are the stocks on my watchlist (4/17)

Hi! I am an ex-prop trader that trades equities.

This is a daily watchlist for trading. I might trade all of the stocks on here, or none of them, on any given day. I might trade stocks that don't appear on here! I hold no positions in any stocks long-term but Amazon/Mag7/general broad market indices. (unless otherwise noted in these tickers).

I usually make these watchlists premarket, (or from 6:30 to 7 as time permits), but can be delayed if I'm trading the open. These aren't mean to be taken as gospel or any recommendation to buy/sell. Many stocks I post are <$500M market cap. Most are NOT good long-term investments but are good candidates to day trade. If you have questions to ask, PLEASE ask specific ones. Questions like “Thoughts on ____?” will be ignored.

News: Tesla Asks Investors to Approve Musk’s $56 Billion Pay Again

SAGE- Phase 2 study of their Parkinson’s Disease treatment didn’t show any significant difference vs placebo.

UAL– Reported less loss than expected, -.15 vs -.53e. Revenue of 12.5 v 12.4B. $200M impact from the 737Max being grounded.

DJT- Still watching this as news from the money case releases

BA- FAA has proposed new standards for their airplanes, personally looking into the long at this point. No position yet.

Longer-term watches: NVDA/SMCI, SNOW, BA, ULTA

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