Does anybody else think Starbucks is a poorly ran company for the size and success it has?

I'm talking about the consumer experience. I'm not saying they aren't fast. But when I go in there they very frequently are out of a flavor, a product, an ingredient, or some miscellaneous tool like a carton carrier or drink lid. The flavors they have available in stock or even on the menu at all are never reflected on the menu on the wall above the counter. When I talk to the staff about it (who are nice) they say it's been ordered and everything but they kind of get left in the lurch by the company. They told me sometimes they and many other locations order things from amazon. The drinks don't taste as good as other coffee chains or local coffee shops to myself and many people i know even though it's by far the most successful chain that definitely has the means to make better tasting drinks. It feels the whole year revolves around pumpkin spice in the fall and winter. Why must it be like this? They should have drinks every season people can get excited about. The pumpkin isn't the only good tasting seasonal flavor. Idk, I feel if they actually focused on organization and product there would be so much room for the stock to go up because of their sheer scale, but I know there is no real demand for this kind of change. Anybody else feel like this? What are your thoughts?

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