How to best take advantage of pharma stock gains

I'm not much one for picking individual stocks. Primarily because I'm new to evaluating them. Have felt a lot more comfortable with ETFs. I feel pretty bullish though about a lot of recent pharma developments, as I'm sure many of you do, with Eli Lilly, Novo, etc, even Viking Therapeutics today. But I'm surprised to see how underwhelming the biggest pharmaceutical ETFs do.

PPH (VanEck) is up about 17% over past year
PJP (Invesco) is up about 6%
IHE (iShares) is up about 15%
XPH (SPDR) is up about 3%

I know some stocks like Johnson and Johnson or AstroZeneca are weighing them down over past year, but I'm surprised they're still not doing better. How would you most take advantage of the current upside? Just picking specific stocks?

Appreciate your thoughts

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