Looking to start a savings in stocks. Where do I start?

Hello guys I’m looking to start putting in 100$ weekly into stocks. I’m looking for stocks to invest in for short term not retirement (at least not yet I am considering it though) I’m a 19 Y/O with about a 40k a year salary. The reason I want to do this is because the interest rates are horrible if my money is just sitting in savings. I’d rather have my money make a 5-10% yield over 10 years. I’m not sure if 10% is possible or if I should shoot for more. Sorry if that’s too much of a backstory. I’m looking for smart stable stocks to invest in that have been around for a while. I want to minimize my risk. I would appreciate your guys’ advice for what would be smart to invest in for a 10 year long weekly recurring investment or if I’m totally stupid and I don’t know what I’m talking about let me know. Thanks guys.

Edit: after you guys commenting ETF’s sound better than stocks for what I’m looking for. When I use the word stocks I sum it all up in one ETF’s, options, stocks, mutual funds, etc. I know it’s not right I just don’t know the correct terminology. I’m just looking for a safe investment that gives a greater yield than my money sitting in savings that is safe

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