AMT Dividend „cut“

Hi everyone,

First: I‘m no native speaker, so sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes :).

I would like to know your opinions for AMT.

Today they officially announced the reduktion of their dividend from 1.7 to 1.62 (on the level of last quarter).
In their earnings call they said, that they want to keep the dividend flat for the fiscal year 2024. So after all it would still grow YoY (but very slightly).
My question is why they did it?
They got a low AFFO-Payout-ratio, so why not stick to the track record?
Why did they raise it in the first place? I mean it‘s a Reit, they have predictable Cashflow (especially in the Cell Tower sector).
Are they in too much debt? I don‘t think so.

I‘m on the verge of selling, but I‘m not sure.
Any Opinions?

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