Mining stocks – outlook and insights?

Hi, my investments tend to be growth oriented (US tech). I've also held some BHP and Rio Tinto shares for approx 18 years. Their dividends have been decent but their share prices haven't really appreciated in that time (obviously there have been ups and downs and it's a factor of when I got in), but in aggregate over my holding period they've gone sideways. I'm considering whether to switch those investments to US index funds.. My questions though are these. With the electrification of the world's auto fleet and many other technology advances such as robotics etc, surely there will be a considerable demand for basic materials, which as two of the world's biggest miners, they should be well placed to supply,. Should the next decade + be higher growth for resources companies? What would or would not give greater confidence in growth over the next decade + vs the past 18 years? Thanks for any opinions and insights.

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