HIMS reports first quarter of positive net income

Q4 revenue $246m up 47% from prior year

Q4 net income $1.2m compared to net LOSS of $11m prior year

Full year revenue of $872m up 65% from prior year

Full year net loss of $23.5m compared to net loss of $65.7m prior year

A few other key points is subscriber growth of 48% y/y up to 1.5m subscribers. Monthly spend per subscriber up 2% to $54.

$HIMS is projecting positive net income for year 2024 with revenue between $1.17-1.2B, 34%-38% top line growth.

I started investing in HIMS around 4 months ago. I saw how fast their subscriber and revenue growth was. As an old Gen Z I’ve noticed so many people who use HIMS and I think it’ll be sticky as once it’s on autopay/deliver people tend to not change. It’s also high margins (60% ish) and in Q4 they started selling weight loss drugs which is the new trend.

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