Can a company delist its stock from one exchange and move it to another in a different country?

I own some shares of a junior copper mining company (Solaris Resources -SLS). The stock is on the TSX.V.

They have accepted a 100M offer from a Chinese state owned to Corp to buy 15% of their main asset and they are planning on selling the asset to the Chinese once they have completed the permitting process.

The location of the asset is in Ecuador and the company’s HQ is in Vancouver,BC.

The issue is Canada recent spats with China have led to the Canadian Government to put new regulations on mining companies transacting with China.

The 100m accepted offer is under review by the Canadian Government right now and it feels like it is a bit of a coin toss on whether they will approve it or not.

This got me thinking, if Canada does not approve it, would the company be able to move their HQ and stock to another Country/Exchange that has more favourable regulations regarding China?

The asset in Ecuador is the only one of real value in their portfolio and other than having their head office in Canada they don’t have any other ties to Canada.

Ive been trying to research this topic to no avail as its a pretty rare issue for a company to face.

Wondering if anyone here knows of a company who has delisted and moved their HQ/stock to another exchange in a Country with a more favourable regulatory environment, if so could you let me know the name or ticker?



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