20k to Invest

Hello all. Beginner here. I recently came into 20k USD that I want to invest. I do have a 401k that I max out as well as a brokerage account through my bank that I contribute to monthly, but I am curious to try my own hand at investing and see how I stack up when I take control personally (I've always kinda wondered if the brokerage account was doing well or something/somewhere else would be a better option to put my money if someone else is the one investing it, but thats another story). Anyway, I've been lurking here for a while and created a watch list of options. I want a strong safe back (probably S&P 500), with some somewhat safer options for a little diversity. Been looking at Google, Microsoft and Apple. I've been seeing A LOT of chatter on here about Nvidia too, which has my interest piqued. Would be willing to take a little risk, but just a little. What do people say? Just as a starting point this is my fist draft:

10k S&P 500
3k Microsoft
2k Google
2k Apple
2k Nvidia
1k ?

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